My tips for your Work from Home to be more productive

Leandro Barreto
3 min readMar 17, 2020

Unfortunately, we are experiencing something that is very new for everyone: a virus pandemic that is changing the way we work these days.

As Raul Seixas (Brazilian rock singer) said in “The day the Earth stopped” (translated literally):

“It was so, on the day when all people
From the whole planet
They decided that no one would leave the house
As if it was combined across the planet
That day, nobody left home, nobody, nobody”

It sounds crazy, but it is real and many companies are encouraging employees to Work from Home, but are you prepared for that?

To work from home, a lot of discipline is necessary as there are many distractions, so I have put together a few tips for you to be more productive during this period.

Start yesterday

In this case, starting yesterday means that the night before you must plan your next day so that you don’t have to spend time scheduling your day during it.

The night before, plan your activities and plan the time you will focus on them during the day.

The temptation to wake up late is high, but set the alarm clock at least 1 hour before starting activities and go to sleep early.

Choose a quiet place

I know it is difficult, especially if you, like me, live in a small apartment, but the tip is to stay in a room that has no noise and distractions during the day. The ideal is your sleep room and locks the door!

I say to lock the door because if you don’t live alone, the chance of someone calling you to do homework or unnecessary questions is very high.

Cell phone away

Our cell phone takes a lot of our attention. When we are doing a task, we need about 15 minutes focused on it so that we can actually be productive. Mobile notifications, no matter how “small” they are, they will distract us. As soon as they appear, we stop doing what we’re doing just to look at the phone.

My tip is: turn off all notifications for applications that are not needed for you: food programs, social media messages, etc. Turn almost everything off!

Divide your day as planned

The idea here is to keep a schedule of what to do during the day. Google’s calendar is a great ally at these times. I recommend using it to divide the activities and even the period in which you will focus on it.

Example: Client meeting — 1 hour; Write an article for LinkedIn — 1 hour; Lunch — 1 hour; etc.

There are those who say to invest in the morning or more at night, but the idea is that you know when your most productive period is: morning, afternoon or night. In my case, I am more productive in the morning, so I plan my week and leave all the most important activities for the morning and it has been working very well.

What is your Work from Home routine? Any tips to add?

See you next time! :)

Translated from:



Leandro Barreto

I write mainly about innovation, technology and mental health. :)